Sherry Mahfouz •  Abby Speltz

Brooke Golden • Marianna Davila • Staci Gulliford


 Candidates On the Ballot

Noel Bigman, Christian P. Germa, Brian Lawrence, and Asaf Farashuddin


Opening Statments: All candidates were asked to provide a 2 minute opening statement. Click here to go directly to place in the video.

Question 1:  What is the number one job of the board as a whole, and what would your personal top three priorities be?  Click here to go directly to the place in the video.

Question 2: To what extent do you feel the many WhatsApp and other chat groups discussing BOE and school policies have been helpful to advancing productive discourse, and to what extent do you find them problematic? Have they changed your position on any issues at all? Click here to go directly to the place in the video.

Question 3: There are five K-4 elementary schools. How would you balance allowing for their unique personalities while maintaining some level of consistency and parity between the schools? Click here to go directly to the place in the video. 

Question 4: What is your philosophy on what a public school education should be, and how close do you see Millburn is to that ideal? What would you change to ensure all students benefit from the district schools? Click here to go directly to the place in the video. Click here to go directly to the place in the video.

Question 5: There appears to be misperceptions amongst the community regarding students with IEPs and 504s. What would you do to support students with IEPs and 504s in our district and help dispel some of the misconceptions? Click here to go directly to the place in the video.

Question 6: This is the senior year of the inaugural class of Washington school. The last eight years have also seen substantial changes at the Middle School. What do you think is the most beneficial improvement made these last 8 years, and what would you like to see still to come? Click here to go directly to the place in the video.

Question 7: The high school has seen significant changes over the last few years. What do you think of these changes and what do you think is still a need? Click here to go directly to the place in the video.

Question 8: What do you feel the One Millburn initiative accomplished? Click here to go directly to the place in the video. 

Closing Remarks: Provide a closing statement.